As I sit here pondering some lower moments in ministry, watching the sun set on a clear sky, and sipping a cup of coffee I was tempted to get discouraged. These times come. Not often usually, but they do come. As I sat down to begin to feel down about some events, I turned on my iPad and started the music. Amazingly it started playing some old hymns I love and I began to change my focus as I sat there enjoying my coffee.
Moments... they do occur. Some moments last longer than others, but all do pass. This is hard to remember some times when we have a discouraging moment. We quickly forget that God is the One in control, and nothing takes Him by surprise. As a pastor I know this, teach this, and even believe this! However, when those discouraging moments in ministry come, I often forget this.
Let me paraphrase some of the insightful thoughts C.S. Lewis had in his book "Scewtape Letters" in chapter 15 where he addresses the line of thought that humans live within time but God lives outside of time and destines us to live for eternity! God wants us to focus on eternity and that point in time which time touches eternity, which is the present. We cannot change what has happened only learn from it, and the future is not worth worrying about! The present is the only opportunity we have to impact eternity!
And might I add the present is only here for a moment! I have nothing deep to share on this point. This is just a reminder to not allow these discouraging moments to drag you down too far. During those discouraging times remember to take a moment to pause and reflect on who God is, what He has done, and what He is capable of. Besides as I look back through many moments in ministry it was usually through the tougher moments that God was doing something in someone’s life that I could not see at the moment. Thank you for taking a moment to allow me to ponder on this thought!